1 - 5 of 64 translators
I am an Italian native speaker with a Master's Degree in Languages and Cultures for the International Communication and Cooperation and 4 years experience as a professional translator. Responsible, precise and serious, I commit to tasks with enthusiasm, dedication and a detail-oriented approach. I guarantee high-quality services and can meet tight deadlines.
  • Education
  • Information technology
  • Literature
  • Marketing
  • Nutrition
$0.06 per word
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I'm an Italian freelance intepreter and translator near-bilingual with English, and fully proficient in Spanish and French. Thanks to my studies (MA in Interpreting and Translation) and my several years of experience in the field, I will be glad to fulfill all your linguistic needs. Contact me for a quote or further details.
  • Formal sciences
  • Humanities
  • Natural sciences
  • Professions
  • Social sciences
$0.09 per word
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I'm an English/French to Italian Freelance Translator based in Italy with a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures, and a Graduate Certificate in Technical and Scientific Translation. I'm very proficient with SDL Trados Studio and my fields of expertise are: Website and Software Localization, Technical Manuals, Information Technology, Electronics, Marketing and Tourism. I guarantee accurate translation, professional attitude and deadline commitment. Feel free to contact me.
  • Formal sciences
  • Humanities
  • Natural sciences
  • Professions
  • Social sciences
$0.05 per word
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Full-time Italian mother-tongue translator, reviewer, localizer, transcreator and MT post-editor from English into Italian and French into Italian since 1999. Fields: HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, LOCALISATION, LAW, PATENTS, BUSINESS, FINANCE, MARKETING, MANAGEMENT, MEDICAL DEVICES, TOURISM, CHEMISTRY, PHARMACEUTICAL, SUBTITLING AND GENERAL SUBJECTS. All projects are carefully reviewed by a second translator before delivery. I can manage tight deadlines and big volumes.
  • Computer science
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Natural sciences
$0.11 per word
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Translator with several years of experience. Main areas: Video games, Social Media, and Tourism.
  • Computer science
  • Education
  • Journalism, media studies and communication
  • Linguistics
  • Manufacture of video game consoles
$0.09 per word
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