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81 - 85 of 177 translators
25-year experienced translator, reviewer, Sworn Translator and post-editor specialised in technical, legal, financial and IT translation in the combinations English and French into Spanish
  • Economics
  • Computer science
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • Law
$0.07 per word
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Passionate Environmental Engineer with relevant experience in dealing with all aspects of fieldwork, water sampling and monitoring, water treatment, hydro-chemical laboratory analysis, and data treatment. Relevant experience in scientific writing (manuscripts).
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Environmental science
  • Environmental engineering
  • Environmental studies
$0.12 per word
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Accomplished translator with a proven track record working in the translation and localization industry. Skilled in Multilingual, Intercultural Communication, Linguistics and Translation. Strong media and communication professional with a Master's degree focused on Translation and Interpreting in the Public Service.
  • Creative writing
  • International relations
  • International organizations
  • Computer programming activities (systems software, software applications, databases, web pages)
$0.09 per word
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As a legal assistant with 6 years of experience, I have noticed the importance of a well translated document in the legal field, the information contained in a document is vital for each particular case, any mistake can result in a devastating situation for the individual, it is for this reason that I put a lot of effort and all my experience in each document that I translate in order to provide a quality service to my clients.
  • Immigration policy
  • Other activities of notaries public, civil law notaries, bailiffs, arbitrators, examiners and referees
$0.10 per word
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Education Ph.D., Spanish, University of Arizona M.A., Hispanic Literature, Portland State University B.A. Media Communications, Universidad Veracruzana Dr. Rosi Hall is an Associate Professor of Spanish and the head of the HSU Department of Foreign Languages.She is originally from Veracruz, Mexico, were she did her undergraduate studies in Communications at the Universidad Veracruzana.
  • Humanities
  • Cultural and ethnic studies
  • Business
  • Journalism, media studies and communication
$0.10 per word
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