11 - 15 of 27 translators
I am a legal translator, I work with Spanish and English. I have experience in the field acquired through some internships and contacts with direct customers. I am also an interpreter, specialized in consecutive. I am always available for new possibilities.
  • Translation
  • Business
  • Law
€0.06 per word
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I’m a native Italian speaker who was born and grew up in Italy. I am fluent in English, Mandarin and French. I have worked both as interpreter and as a translator from and into Italian language. I am currently working as a language teacher.
  • Translation
  • Private teachers/education
€0.19 per word
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My name is Daniela, I am a freelance translator from English/Dutch/German into Italian, which is my native language. I hold a master's degree in languages and a bachelor's degree in translation and interpreting. Translation is both my job and my passion and this is why I keep learning and studying to become better at it. I am currently attending a Postgraduate Course in Marketing, International Relations and Made in Italy and a course on Medical Translation.
  • Marketing
  • Clinical laboratory studies/clinical pathology/laboratory medicine
  • Tour operator activities (wholesale tourism)
  • Wholesale of pharmaceutical and medical goods
  • Literature
€0.07 per word
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After graduating summa cum laude in English and French Language and Literature (i.e. BA + MA, 2001), I was awarded the MSc in Translation Studies with distinction (2003) and I attended a MA in Specialized Translation from English to Italian (2011) as a part-time student/auditor. With a view to continuous training, I was also awarded the MA in Didactics and Promotion of Italian Language and Culture to Foreigners (2019).
  • Marketing
  • Humanities
  • Social sciences
€0.07 per word
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Originally trained as a literary translator, I have been translating professionally in the fields of corporate communication and marketing for over 10 years. I greatly enjoy translating websites and help my clients find the right SEO words for their Italian customers. I write, localize and adapt content to enable global brands and companies to reach, grow and engage with the Italian audience.
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Internet, world wide web
  • Creative writing
€0.12 per word
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