51 - 55 of 68 translators
Ph.D. – Professor Translator, Linguist & Terminologist
  • Arabic
  • Business English
  • French
  • Medicine
  • Research and development in engineering, natural sciences, biotechnology, medical sciences and agricultural sciences
€0.10 per word
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Mother of 4 kids, I was born and raised in Lyon, France. I have roots in Burgundy but I did live abroad most of my career so far : USA, France, Belgium. Now settled in Brussels, I really like travelling and discovering things beyond tour books. I did an engineering school and did work in the automotive industry for some years. Then, I did set up a French school while in Charlotte, NC, USA and I founded a company while in Paris “Invited in Paris” in order to help travelers feels like home and enjoy Paris with an insider. Now, from Brussels, I do teach French as a foreign language and do English to French translation.
  • French
  • Engineering
  • Travel agency activities
€0.07 per word
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Quality first! My focus is on - ethical and green texts - understanding what YOU want and what your company needs - marketing material and websites so that your customers can find you: SEO translation and transcreation - long documents such as books or articles My fields of expertise include nutrition and all things related to India and Indian philosophy, among other things. Are you ready to exist on the French-speaking market?
  • Hinduism
  • Marketing
  • Nutrition
€0.07 per word
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I'm a translator with three years of experience working both as a freelancer and in an office. Hard-working and responsible, I'm passionate about words and language. I'm a McGill University graduate and am close to finishing my MA in translation at Université de Montréal.
  • Fashion design
  • Video game design
  • Internet media
  • Queer studies
  • Veterinary medicine
€0.06 per word
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Hello everyone! My name is Jessica and I look forward to working with you :)
  • Video game design
  • Automotive engineering
  • Manufacture of video game consoles
  • Sports journalism/sportscasting
  • Travel agency activities
€0.08 per word
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