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Seismology is the scientific research of earthquakes in Earth’s interior as well as the propagation of seismic waves. As a branch of geophysics, seismology provides a lot of information about the state and composition of Earth’s interior. Research about the effect of the environment on earthquakes – such as tsunamis, volcanic activity, changes in Earth’s crust, the various hypocentres of marine processes – also falls under seismology. The field related to inferring information from past earthquakes using geology is known as paleoseismology. Earthquakes are seismic waves that are produced as a result of energy in Earth’s crust being released very suddenly. Earthquakes are measured using the observation results of a seismometer. The moment magnitude scale is the most general standard earthquake scale used all over the world when dealing with earthquakes with a recorded magnitude equal to or greater than five. Earthquakes with a recorded magnitude of equal to or less than three are usually very small and weak, but those with a recorded magnitude of seven or greater are extensive and could bring about serious damage, although this depends on the depth of the hypocentre. There is no upper limit on the earthquake scale, but the biggest earthquake in history was recorded to have had a magnitude of greater than nine.

We now know where an earthquake is likely to occur and where it is unlikely to occur. Earth’s surface is broken up into ten plates, with land masses and oceans lying on top of the plates. The places where an earthquake is likely to occur are the borders between these plates. The plate boundary around areas such as Indonesia, Japan, and along the Pacific coastline between Alaska and North America commonly experiences earthquakes. For this reason, it is known as the circum-Pacific seismic zone.

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A nadie le duele el centro de la cabeza. Los neurólogos se lo habían dicho muchas veces a Miguel. Pero ahí estaba otra vez ese zumbido, como un pellizco continuo, entre dulzón y eléctrico, en algún punto interior del cerebro. Su padre no era neurólogo, pero sí uno de los mejores médicos de Sevilla: el doctor Benoît Le Fablec, un francés casi sevillano. Siempre había cola en su consulta. Miguel recordaba muy bien, cuando era niño, la sala de espera de su padre, llena de pacientes y él metiéndose entre las piernas de las mujeres para «ver a mi papá». Y cada vez salía de la consulta con el mismo diagnóstico: «El centro de la cabeza no duele, Miguel». Después, durante años, los mejores especialistas, amigos de su padre, en España, en Francia, con sus batas blancas y la nariz alzada le decían: «Ce n’est pas possible» o «Caballerete, ¿no será una excusa para no ir al colegio?».

Target Text

Nobody feels pain in the center of their head. The neurologists had told Miguel several times. But there it was again, that buzzing, like a constant electric pinching somewhere inside his head. His father wasn’t a neurologist, but he was one of the best doctors in Seville: Doctor Benoît Le Fablec, a Frenchman who was almost entirely Sevillian. There was always a queue outside his clinic. Miguel could remember very clearly the busy waiting room of his father’s clinic, where as a boy he would stick his face through ladies’ legs “so I can see my dad.” And every time he left the clinic with the same diagnosis: “The center of your head doesn’t feel pain, Miguel.” For many years after, the best specialists in France and Spain – friends of his father – would say to him, with their white coats and upturned noses, “Ce n’est pas posible,” or “Young man, this wouldn’t be another excuse to skip class, now would it?”