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このたび、1990 年末までに生産された弊社ブラウン管カラーテレビで、長期の使用により内部部品が劣化し、過剰発熱にいたった場合、まれに内部部品が発火し、テレビ本体の焼損及び拡大損害につながる可能性があることが判明いたしました。
つきましては、1990 年末までに生産されたブラウン管カラーテレビのご使用を中止いただきますよう、お願いいたします。ご相談、その他のお問い合わせにつきましては、下記までご連絡くださいますようお願い申し上げます。

Target Text

A request to discontinue use of our SONY Overseas Model Cathode Ray Tube Televisions:

Thank you for choosing SONY products.

We have confirmed that under prolonged use of our cathode ray tube televisions which were manufactured before 1990, there is a possibility of the interior components degrading in quality. This degradation may cause an excess of generated heat, and in rare cases may cause ignition of the inner components. This may result in the television to burnout as well as causing the casing to expand.

In line with this, we request that our customers discontinue the use of our cathode ray tube televisions that were manufactured before 1990. If you have any further questions or comments about this matter, please do not hesitate to contact SONY using the information included at the end of this e-mail.
We are deeply sorry to cause such an inconvenience to our loyal customers. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause, and we appreciate your understanding as we continue to improve our customer experience.

Source Text



あなたの中では、どんなときに「心配性の虫」が騒ぎ出すだろうか?  おそらく、本書を手に取った「心配性を自認している」読者の方も、多くは「この部分では心配性だが、意外と大胆な面もある」のではないかと推察する。私には、人によって〝飼って〟いる「心配性の虫」が違うように思えてならない。たとえば、




「ケチと評判のお金に細かい人が、無駄遣いを心配する一方で、何の疑問もなく 手数料を払って、銀行からお金をおろす」

「上司にすこし叱られただけでクヨクヨ する人が、大きな仕事を任されると怯まずに受けて立つ」  

などということがよくある。同じ心配性の人でも、 心配のしどころがまったく異なるのだ。 いずれにせよ、大半の人が多かれ少なかれ 、「ここで心配するのはいかがなものか」というようなシーンで頭を抱えているはず だ。「心配の根拠」を明確にするために、以下多くの人が陥る「心配性になる理由」を列挙してみよう。

理由① やるべきことを怠った

ありがちなのは 、外出したときにふと、「カギをかけたかな?」「ガスの元栓を締めたかな?」「エアコンのスイッチは切ったかな?」「窓は閉めたかな?」などという心配事が頭をかすめることだ。  

細かいことながら、こういう心配をし始めると、気が気ではなくなる 。確認するために帰宅しなければ、胸のバクバクがおさまらないほどだ。実際、帰ってみたら「ちゃんとやっていた」ことが多いものである。  

やっかいなのは、仕事などで「自分が納得できるまでやった。やるべきことはすべてやった 」と確信できないときに生じる心配である。仕事には納期というものがあるし、すべてを完璧にしようと思うとキリがないので、なかなか心配性はおさまらない 。完璧主義の人ほど、こういう心配性に陥りやすい一面を備えている。

理由② 予測される「悪いこと」がある

 人生は、行動の結果をつきつけられることの連続だ。その結果がどうなるかハッキリわかっていれば誰も悩まないのだが、たいていの場合は「良いこと」と「悪いこと」の両方が予測できるから困る。しかも、人の気持ちは良い結果を予測してテンションを高めるより 、悪い結果を心配する方向に傾いてしまいがちだ。

 というのも、人の感情は意識しなければ「マイナス思考をするようにできている」からである。重要な仕事で出張するときに、誰もが「列車に乗り遅れたらたいへんだ」と心配するように、これから当たる物事が重要であればあるほど、「悪いことが起きてはならない」と考えるから、つい「悪いことが起きたらどう しよう」というマイナス思考に陥る。そういうものなのだ。


Target Text

The Nine Reasons why Many People Become Worrywarts

When the Worry Bug Begins Buzzing

At what time does the “worry bug” begin buzzing inside of you ? Perhaps there are readers who picked up this book because they have acknowledged that they are a worrywart . And I guess the majority know they have certain traits of a worrywart, but are surprised to see they have another, more audacious side to it. As for me, I cannot help thinking that the worry bug is different depending on who is “rearing” it. For example:

Someone frets over having forgotten to buy the next day’s breakfast, but does not feel any worries whatsoever over the possibility of their freelance job having no work available to them the next day.

Someone fearing an earthquake and keeps a stock of emergency supplies, peacefully lives in a room where they could be squashed flat in seconds if something bad were to happen.

Someone who worries about their health and restricts their diet, buts works so vehemently at their job that they could probably die from overworking.

Someone who is stingy with their money and worries over squandering it away on useless things, but without a moment’s hesitation pays service fees to withdraw money at the bank.

Someone who mopes around after they have been disciplined slightly by their boss, but takes on a gigantic project at work without thinking twice.

There are many cases like the above. Even for two people considered to be worrywarts, the kinds of worries they have will differ completely. At any rate, the majority of people faced with a kind of scenarios where they initially thought “I’d never worry about something like that!” will more or less be at their wits end once they actually encounter it. In order to show clearly what the basis for worry is, I have constructed the following list of reasons for which most people fit the criteria for being a worrywart.

Reason 1: Did I do what needed to be done?

Something a lot of people tend to do, is leaving one’s house and all of a sudden begin to start thinking to themselves, “I wonder if I remembered to lock the door?”, “Did I turn off the oven?”, “Did I turn off the air-conditioning?”, and “I wonder if I shut the windows?”

To be more specific, once these kind of thoughts begin to pop up, one becomes beside themselves with worry. It becomes so bad that unless they go home and make sure, they cannot put their mind at ease. And when they do go home to check, most of the time whatever it is they were worrying about has already been taken care of.

The most troublesome kind of anxiety happens at places such as work when one cannot seem to convince themselves that they have done everything they had to do, to their utmost ability. There are deadlines at one must meet, and if one think they can complete all of their work perfectly, they’ll never meet those deadlines, only worsening the situation . Perfectionists are most prone to falling into this kind of category.

Reason 2: Worrying About Future Troubles

Life is a series of actions and results you have to face and take action on. If everyone knew exactly what the results of their actions would be, nobody would worry. However, in most cases, you can only guess at what good or bad things will come out of it all which is where the problem lies. Furthermore, people are more inclined to worry more about bad outcomes rather than to expect good results.

If people are not aware of their feelings, they can come to have a pessimistic outlook on their day to day lives. On an important business trip, anyone would worry “If I miss this train, I’m going to have a bad time.” From then on, the more important something is, the more likely someone may think “If something bad happens I’m in trouble.” Eventually, one may unintentionally end up falling into the pessimistic way of thinking, “What should I do when something bad happens?”

For all things, there are always going to involve a good or bad outcome, so this is something where one has no choice but to deal with effectively.

Reason 3-9 omitted due to character limit