21 - 25 of 27 translators
Licensed & qualified professional with 20 years of experience in translation. Main areas of expertise: legal (contracts, privacy, pleading notes, patents), medical (hospital administration) and technical (manuals and specifications). But also general topics: IT, software, newsletters, blog posts, etc. I teach at Translation Department of the University of Ghent.
  • Business law/commercial law
  • Criminal law
  • Contract law
  • Patents and copyrights
  • Law and economics
$0.12 per word
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Expat, company owner and translator. I have +10 years of cross-cultural and multi-language experience and have translated millions of words for companies from tens of different countries. Specialized in tourism, IT (consumer electronics, UI, manuals), web content and general translations. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  • Information technology
  • Computer science
  • Tourism geography
$0.09 per word
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Freelance professional translator from the Netherlands. 10 years working experience in France. Bachelor's degree in Psychology and English.
  • Finance, risk management and insurance
  • Marketing
  • Psychology
  • Automotive engineering
  • Video game design
$0.09 per word
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Enthousiastic translator and text writer. Translations of Dutch, English and German texts.
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Research and development in social sciences and humanities
  • Growing apples
  • Growing pears and quinces
  • Psychology
$0.11 per word
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A passion for languages and translating. I can offer subtitling services too.
  • Business administration
  • Public/local administration
  • Public health
  • Applied Linguistics
$0.09 per word
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