We can help you with any kind of communication or correspondence. From websites to marketing collateral, from proposals to product documentation, from software localization to copywriting and editing - we provide a host of language services designed to help you get your message across in a manner that is clear and accurate, yet stylistically appealing. That's because our translators are college-educated professionals with relevant career experience in their fields of specialty. We understand your business and its language and this enables us to provide high-quality translations and texts that perfectly capture your message while presenting it to your target audience in a manner that is familiar and authentic. Time and again, our customers note their appreciation of the difference between our expert, hand-crafted translations and translations provided by other freelancers and agencies.
כבר מעל 30 שנה אני מתרגמת מקצועית מעברית לאנגלית - הן כמתרגמת פנים-אירגונית והן כפרילנסרית. נולדתי בארצות הברית לאימא אמריקאית ולאב בריטי, כך שאני בקיאה באיות ובדקדוק באנגלית אמריקאית ובריטית. עליתי לארץ ב-1982 בגיל 19, ישר לאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, שם למדתי עבודה סוציאלית וסיעוד. לאחר מכן עבדתי כ-22 שנה כמתרגמת פנים-אירגונית בתחום המסחר והחינוך הישראלי. פתחתי עסק עצמאי בשנת 2006.
Native English speaker with eighteen years' experience in the translation industry, specialising in legal, financial, marketing and medical texts.
I use a full range of translation tools to guarantee accuracy and consistency. Volume discounts available for large projects.
Freelance translator and language educator with five years experience. My native language is English. I completed my Bachelor in Canada in French Studies and my Master in Translation Studies in German and English in Germany. Languages are a passion of mine and I love being able to work with them every day. Looking forward to working with you!
If you want an accurate and fast translation, just contact me and we will discuss conditions.